Thursday, December 8, 2011

Keep on the Sunny Side

Sunshine! As I sat on my couch, sipping my orange juice, slurping my cereal, and watching Baby drool all over Mr. Dolphin toy, I worked on my computer and prepared for the upcoming day. But Suddenly! A veil parted...the grey, looming, darkness that had haunted us for days finally lifted. Sun! Glorious, warm, comforting, happy sun!

The room filled with light, and my heart lifted. I'm sure you know what I mean. I didn't even realize how oppressive that dull and dismal blue hue had become. Well, I knew I couldn't let it go to waste. I packed Baby up for her doctor's visit, and threw my camera in the bag. I need something to remember this day, so that when those blues do come again, and they will, I will have my little photo memories to help me through.

Pennsylvania is such a beautiful place. These are all picture on my drive home from the doctor's. I take it for granted so often! 

The farm pictured above is directly across from my house. It was so much fun to watch as they harvested the fields (much more fun, I'm sure, than actually harvesting it).

These cows were not to sure what to make of me. They would stop and stare, and then continue munching away. Obviously, their food is quite important to them.

I want that to be my home! I know, it is the size of a pea (really, very small), and my Christmas parties would be a tad snug, but with that view, and a lovely little orchard outside...*sigh*  Dreamy.

I hear little Baby waking, so I'm off to give her a snuggle.
Enjoy your day,
and God bless!


  1. Gorgeous photos! I would love to go to the East Coast someday. Thanks for sharing!
    - Shannon, from Baruch's Lullaby

  2. Oh, what a lovely post! and, here we are - out of December and into a spring doused in sunshine! =]
