Monday, December 5, 2011

I'm Officially on Etsy

Well, I have successfully started my Etsy shop! *cheers*woohoo*yaaaay*

I'm so excited, and it just feels wonderful. Why didn't I do this earlier?! I'm starting with a few vintage items at the moment, but I hope to progress to some of my handmade projects. It's so fun to play around on Etsy, though. I've already had a popular Shabby Chic Treasury Listing....I do love the treasuries :)

Here is a picture of one of the projects I'm working on at the moment:

These are my forest friends, soon to become part of a child's mobile.

In other news, my Frenchman and I are moving! It feels like a daunting task with a little one at home, but we are looking forward to being settled in our new home. I am actually thrilled at the prospect of decorating a blank canvas.
I've gathered a few ideas from the "100 Ideas Real Rooms" magazine by Better Homes and Gardens (2009) and put them in my Inspiration Notebook.

I would love to do something with shelves and interesting picture hangings along the staircase wall.

The Headboard here is just made of inexpensive molding that's been painted, and plywood covered in batting and fabric! Love it and I want to make something similar for the Kitchen wall for posting notes.

 I need to find those lamp making kits! What a nifty and thrifty idea!

I am also going to grab one of my old picture frames, tack on a radiator grill and use it for my earrings...genius. At the end of my bed, I will store extra blankets and bedding in old suitcases (looks nice and adds storage).

Alright, well, my encouragement to you today is to make something, anything: a card, a list of things that make you happy, a doodle, a sketch, fold a napkin into an interesting shape...just let a little creativity out. :)

~S. Pick

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to bloggy land and Sweet Country Life!
    With a new baby, now is a great time to stay creative!
    Thanks so much for your sweet words....
    Merry Christmas~
    Love, Kristin
