Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas Wonder and Etsy Excitement

Baby's First Christmas :) She such a sweet joy in my life - And in Grandmom's! It amazing how quickly the time has flown by, since she was born.

She rolled over for the very first time this past week, which had everyone ecstatically clapping and cheering (she was more than a little startled, and then proceeded to spit up).

In other news, you get a sneak peek at my next project for Etsy. This plushy Panda is all set for the on-coming cold months, and the harsh winter weather is simply no match for with its fleece exterior.

I am working on publishing a pattern for him, and it should be ready within a least that's my goal. The big move is next week, and I'm feeling a little stretched at the moment.

I am excited to announce that I made my second sale on Etsy!! This tall, quirky little bird will be shipped out on Monday to its new home. :) Yay!

Enjoy your weekend!
God bless,

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Keep on the Sunny Side

Sunshine! As I sat on my couch, sipping my orange juice, slurping my cereal, and watching Baby drool all over Mr. Dolphin toy, I worked on my computer and prepared for the upcoming day. But Suddenly! A veil parted...the grey, looming, darkness that had haunted us for days finally lifted. Sun! Glorious, warm, comforting, happy sun!

The room filled with light, and my heart lifted. I'm sure you know what I mean. I didn't even realize how oppressive that dull and dismal blue hue had become. Well, I knew I couldn't let it go to waste. I packed Baby up for her doctor's visit, and threw my camera in the bag. I need something to remember this day, so that when those blues do come again, and they will, I will have my little photo memories to help me through.

Pennsylvania is such a beautiful place. These are all picture on my drive home from the doctor's. I take it for granted so often! 

The farm pictured above is directly across from my house. It was so much fun to watch as they harvested the fields (much more fun, I'm sure, than actually harvesting it).

These cows were not to sure what to make of me. They would stop and stare, and then continue munching away. Obviously, their food is quite important to them.

I want that to be my home! I know, it is the size of a pea (really, very small), and my Christmas parties would be a tad snug, but with that view, and a lovely little orchard outside...*sigh*  Dreamy.

I hear little Baby waking, so I'm off to give her a snuggle.
Enjoy your day,
and God bless!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Yuletide by the Fireside

Christmas time is here;
we'll be drawing near;
oh that we could always see
such spirit through the year,
such spirit through the year. (A Charlie Brown Christmas)

The other day I visited my parents to help them start with the decorating of the tree. 
 We're off to a good start. I'm just busting at the seams with excitement about our move in a week! There have been no Christmas lights, red bows, or Christmas pine smell in our little home. Next week, after we get settled in a bit, we're definitely going to jump in with both feet!
I couldn't stay for the conclusion of my parent's tree, though, due to the fact that we had to tuck little baby in her bed. 
These little PJ's are just so cute! Light blue, with little red birdies wearing scarves. I <3 them. Little chunky monkey (and I mean that in the sweetest, cutest little way) has almost grown out of them! She's 4 months old, and almost wearing 9 month clothes, now! (***Side note: It took me about 40 pictures until I finally got one where she wasn't being a squirmy worm***).

Speaking of fabulous clothes, I recently went through a few of my Anthropologie Catalogs and put together a small compilation of items that J'adore! 

Those boots? That Minty Green Dress? The Watches? I KNOW! Beautiful. Oh, and let me tell you about those butterflies. When I was a youngster, all I dreamed about was one day becoming an entomologist. Studying bugs was one of my passions. That dream has since faded, but that fascination has not. I recently found a seller at a place called Kitchen Kettle Village, in Lancaster, PA, that sells real, framed insects. They are insects that have been grown humanely in captivity, and that then die of natural causes. I want to get several to hang in my hallway. 

If you read my last post, you may remember the inspiring staircase picture. I did a quick sketch based on that picture of how I would like to do my stairway in the new house.
Anyway, continuing with Anthropologie...

That picture on the left is especially fantastic. I love the color just makes me feel warm.

I'll be posting more soon about my Etsy endeavors, and about moving into my new home.
God bless!

Monday, December 5, 2011

I'm Officially on Etsy

Well, I have successfully started my Etsy shop! *cheers*woohoo*yaaaay*

I'm so excited, and it just feels wonderful. Why didn't I do this earlier?! I'm starting with a few vintage items at the moment, but I hope to progress to some of my handmade projects. It's so fun to play around on Etsy, though. I've already had a popular Shabby Chic Treasury Listing....I do love the treasuries :)

Here is a picture of one of the projects I'm working on at the moment:

These are my forest friends, soon to become part of a child's mobile.

In other news, my Frenchman and I are moving! It feels like a daunting task with a little one at home, but we are looking forward to being settled in our new home. I am actually thrilled at the prospect of decorating a blank canvas.
I've gathered a few ideas from the "100 Ideas Real Rooms" magazine by Better Homes and Gardens (2009) and put them in my Inspiration Notebook.

I would love to do something with shelves and interesting picture hangings along the staircase wall.

The Headboard here is just made of inexpensive molding that's been painted, and plywood covered in batting and fabric! Love it and I want to make something similar for the Kitchen wall for posting notes.

 I need to find those lamp making kits! What a nifty and thrifty idea!

I am also going to grab one of my old picture frames, tack on a radiator grill and use it for my earrings...genius. At the end of my bed, I will store extra blankets and bedding in old suitcases (looks nice and adds storage).

Alright, well, my encouragement to you today is to make something, anything: a card, a list of things that make you happy, a doodle, a sketch, fold a napkin into an interesting shape...just let a little creativity out. :)

~S. Pick

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Giving Thanks for Funny Guys

Thanksgiving break was chalk full of wonderful friends! This year my parents went north to visit my sister and her family, and my little family stayed home. We decided to seek out another couple who wasn't going to spend Thanksgiving with family. There was food, laughter, and Eggnog galore!

Friday was just as exciting. Some life-long friends journeyed from some surrounding states, and collected at their old homestead. My husband, who I will refer to as "The Frenchman," and I joined their gathering for the evening. After eating our fill of some amazing pizza casserole, we cleared the table, spread out the wax paper and made "Funny Guy cookies." These cookies are a big deal, it is a tradition that goes back many years in this family, and it is always accompanied with excessive laughter and the smell of cinnamon in the air.

 There was a tiny teacup to go with that teapot...but I believe it was gobbled up before I even saw it come out of the oven!

They look eerie in this lighting...and maybe they should...they are a little scary. as you can see, the guy with the blue nostrils had his nose fall flat. Ah well, at least most of them turned out okay!

And boy were they good!