Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Defrosting My Mind

I'm so nervous...this is my first post, and I can't decide what to write! I realize that I am seriously over-analyzing this; I just need to write. I wanted my first post to be so profound and meaningful, you know? Maybe some of you felt that way when you first started your blog? Well, I will not prolong this post any longer! So, Hi. I've read a few blogs now, and I've seen what a wonderful community you all have here. I am so happy to finally be a part.

I had never considered blogging until a few weeks ago. I was ready to pack up my art supplies and close the door to crafting...but that just hurt my heart. I'm a new mom with little time, and I needed a new outlet for my art. What could I do on my couch with the baby in my lap? Type. What a great way to defrost the right side of my brain to get it working again!

So here I am!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogging!
    It can be scary at first, but I think you will fit right in. :-)

    Have fun!!!

